Giani Abir

Character in Star Citizen

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Giani Abir
種族 Human
性別 Male
生於 2946 (before)
Actor Daniel Ben Zenou
住所 Security
工作地點 UEES Stanton
分隊 UEE Navy
服役年份 2946 (before) -

Giani Abir is a member of the UEES Stanton's Security team,[1] and is probably the Security Chief given that he shows authority over Aldo Braga and personally flies the OMC prisoner transport Argo MPUV in the Squadron 42 Vertical Slice.[2] He is portrayed by Daniel Ben Zenou.[3]

During the Vertical Slice, Abir shows up flying the OMC prisoner transport, which he lands on the deck of the UEES Stanton. A security detail consisting of Aldo Braga, Lars Neuer and Conrad Vex appears to be following his commands in unloading the prisoners - Vat Tagaca and his subordinates Pirate Prisoner 1 and 2.




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