


Geotack X-promo-clear.png
Manufacturer灰貓工業 (GRIN)
Type Planetary beacon
Usage Demarcate claimed land

The Geotack-X planetary beacon is a portable demarcation device that allows the user to claim a land plot of 8 km x 8 km on various types of ground surfaces.


The Geotack is used to demarcate a land claim of 8 km x 8 km, which then can be used to submit your claim to the Planetary Development Bureau. The owner then receives a certificate, solidifying that the land is owned by the claimant:[1]

This certificate entitles the bearer to claim a single piece of 地球聯合帝國 declared territory of eight (8) kilometers by eight (8) kilometers in size for the purposes of residential, commercial, or industrial development. Territory must be filed with the United Empire of Earth Planetary Development Bureau as an uncontested claim along with compatible geographic data of desired parcel in order to be claimed. Once approved, the bearer is entitled to all rights tied to this parcel under the United Empire of Earth’s articles of development (section 36.A.I-IX) and shall be the legal tenant of that property and enjoy all rights therein.

Pledge store

The item was revealed and sold together with the reveal of the 開拓者, a ship that can construct and deploy buildings. The Geotack was obtained when you bought the 4x4km land plot license on the 承諾商店 for $100 USD.

See also


Geotack X-promo-clear.png
Geotack X-promo.png
Land Claim Beacon Estate.jpg


  1. Q&A: UEE Land Claim Licenses. 通訊連結. Retrieved 2020-08-23

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