
Gammon Messer

Character in Star Citizen

Gammon Messer
種族 人類
性別 Male
生於 2629
死於 2662
角色 Designated Heir
勢力 UEE
分隊 UEE Army
服役年份 2647 - 2662
黨派 Messer Regime

Gammon Messer was the designated heir of the Empire from 2643 until his death in 2662 and son of Imperator Corsen Messer V.


Gammon was raised with his sister Illyana on Earth. Until the unexpected death of heir Marius Messer, he had spent 'his youth pursuing hobbies' and he was possibly 'indulged heavily in vice.' He was forced into military service in 2647.[1]

At this time, he was known for his many visits to the political prisons on Charon III alongside his father Corsen. He is even said to have worsened the prisoner conditions further and 'devised particularly violent forms of information extraction.'[2]


Gammon Messer and his father were poisoned by his sister Illyana Messer in 2662.


Gammon married Colonel Yemi Duas in New York, Earth.

They had one child:


  1. Galactapedia: Gammon Messer. 銀河百科. Retrieved 2020-02-02
  2. Galactapedia: Gammon Messer. 銀河百科. Retrieved 2020-02-02
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