


The home page of Galactapedia as of 2019-12-01

The Galactapedia is a planned in-lore encyclopedia incorporating player involvement that will be utilized in-game in mobiGlas and out of game as a web platform on the RSI site.[1] The Galactapedia should "react" in real-time to events in the 持續性宇宙 and providing steadily knowledge about the history, factions, corporations and ships. [2][3][4] It is currently live here.


According to the lore, the Galactapedia is hosted by The Ark in the Tayac System. The Ark collects and analyzes information sent from explorers, researchers, scientists and everyday people to be included in the Galactapedia.[5]


Galactapedia first appeared as a section in the Jump Point magazine after its redesign in 2018.[6] The Galactapedia is launched during CitizenCon 2019 on 2019-11-23 on the RSI site. It is developed from a collaboration with the 雲間帝國遊戲 lore team and Turbulent, with major contribution from Cherie Heiberg and Ben Lesnick.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 CitizenCon 2019 - Galactapedia
  2. RSInotext.svg Ask our Writer, Dave Haddock (July 2013)
  3. Store Ships Update from 2014-08-04. 通訊連結
  4. Letter from the Chairman: $40 Million from 2014-03-11. 通訊連結
  5. Portfolio: The Ark. 通訊連結
  6. David Ladyman and Ben Lesnick, From the Cockpit, Jump Point, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 2, 2018-02-20.
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