
Fair Chance Act


The Fair Chance Act (FCA) is a law adopted by the 地球聯合帝國 in 2795 and ratified by Erin Toi.[1] It disallows terraforming and mining of planets inhabited by species that can evolve intelligence. Additionally, it prevents human contact and involvement by disallowing or restricting the entering of the protected systems and planets, called Sanctuaries. In the Starmap, FCA protected systems are named "Developing Systems". All Developing Systems are part of the United Empire of Earth.


After the terraforming of 蓋隆 II, a planet with indigenous life, a series of protests took place in the UEE [2] , inspired by a group called the Tide. The government gave in to the pressure and passed the Fair Chance Act to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Systems and planets protected by the Fair Chance Act


  • Gurzil is a very young system with forming protoplanetary disks. His Status is debated since 2795. Mining is restricted in the green band.
  • Min's status is debated. Min 1b shows early life, but the System has no valuable resources and is not claimed by the UEE.


The FCA is divided into 5 Sections, of which 2 are known:[1]

  • I. Principles
  • II. Designation of Developing Species
  • III. Terraforming Articles and Conditions
  • IV. Resources for Ecological Protection
  • V. Judicial Review and Criminal Prosecution

Section I, Article 1


The aim of this Act is to protect the lives & well-being of species-hereafter Species, on planets who have not developed but possess the reasonable capacity for evolution into intelligence, based on the responsibility of human beings for their fellow creatures. No one may cause a Species pain, suffering or harm without good reason.

Section II, Article 2

Designation of Developing Species

Upon discovery of a new planet &/or system, an independent panel consisting of United Empire of Earth representatives, exobiologists, & Corp engineers, heretofore collectively known as Panel will:

  1. Run non-invasive scans & assessments on each planet in the system to understand whether life is already developing;
  2. Submit all reports & present findings to United Empire of Earth Senate Subcommittee on Expansion & Development;
  3. Monitor & maintain the ecological sanctity of any planet deemed Developing by conclusion between Independent Panel & Subcommittee to protect development of species.

Article 2a

  1. Panel will develop & present system of criteria to determine what classifies as a 'developing species.'
  2. The United Empire of Earth Subcommittee on Expansion & Development shall be empowered, in agreement with the 地球聯合帝國皇帝 & Senate, to issue ordinances, with the consent of the High-Secretary. It may, in particular,
    1. Classify a world as a Sanctuary. In which,
      1. All indigenous lifeforms are to be left untouched from any human involvement;
      2. Any attempt to terraform or extract resources, be they biologic or mineral, will result in Criminal prosecution as laid out in Section V;
    2. Divert military resources to maintain the sanctity of protected world, with the consent & help of the High Command.

See Also

  • Kabal, a former Tevarin-settled system which is protected from settlement and terraforming due to ongoing archeological surveys


  1. 1.0 1.1 Comm-Link:2795 - A Kinder, Gentler Human. 通訊鏈接
  2. Comm-Link:2792 - The Tide Rises. 通訊鏈接
  3. Starmap: Cano System
  4. Starmap: Osiris System
  5. Starmap: Kellog System
  6. Starmap: Oso System
  7. Starmap: Tamsa System
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