
Exotic Ship Manufacturers Council


Exotic Ship Manufacturers Council
類型 Alliance
建立於 公元2941年; 14年 前 (2941)
目標 Ship Manfacturer

The Exotic Ship Manufacturers Council (ESMC) represents a wide range of companies producing everything from the ARGO utility vehicle to AopoA's 卡圖-AL. The Council's goal is to raise awareness about the diverse array of ships being crafted throughout the universe.[1]


The ESMC was formed after the 2941 星際航空航天博覽會 when 十字軍工業 and 聯合外域 were unable to get space in the main Expo hall to display their ships. By uniting together and forming a coalition with other more unique manufactures they were able to return in 2942 and rent the entirety of the main hangar to highlight their diverse array of ships and vehicles. The alliance has stayed firm ever since, as the increased exposure has brought intriguing and unusual ships, like the Banu-crafted 行商, to a wider audience.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Intergalactic Aerospace Expo, Day Seven: Exotic Manufacturers. 通訊連結

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