
Eslin Macken

Air traffic controller at Levski

Eslin Macken looking at console 1.jpg
Eslin Macken
种族 人类
性别 Male
生于 2945 (before)
角色 Manager of Origin-1 landing zone
势力 People's Alliance of Levski
住所 Traffic controller
工作地点 列夫斯基

Eslin Macken is a flight controller and manages Levski's landing zone "ORIGIN-1".

In the game

Macken has a physical presence in the game. He sits in a room above the residential area, but the room itself isn't accessible under normal circumustances (only through glitching / wall clipping).[1]


  • As of Alpha 3.9, players requesting landing in Levski through comms are sometimes greeted with Macken's lower body. That is caused by a long-standing bug that causes NPC to stand on their chair instead of sit.[2]
  • The Observist recommend that you use your mobiGlas to record the exact coordinates of your ship upon arrival, unless you like to watch Eslin blankly stare while trying to remember where your spacecraft is grounded.[3]


  1. Status: Patch 3.9.1
  2. Pervert at ATC Lorville on Reddit
  3. Observist Dark: Levski, Nyx. 通讯链接