


Emotes are the commands the your character executes to show emotion. Use F12 to open the chat window, use a forward slash or "/" to initiate the command. You can add a number to the specific emote within the range provided, or execute it without the number to do a random emote.

PTU v3.7 commands

  • /agree        - thumbs up
  • /angry1      - slamming fist up and down near shoulders and pointing
  • /angry2      - both hands in air, right fist slamming air
  • /angry3      - stomping feet and waving arms
  • /attention   - standing at attention
  • /blah1        - right hand makes blah blah blah mouth flapping shape
  • /blah2        - both hands make blah blah blah mouth flapping shape
  • /bored1      - arms up then slap sides of thighs and looking around
  • /bored2      - arms crossed, lean a bit, foot stomp
  • /bow1        - curtsy
  • /bow2        - slight bow, arm waves in a "you first" motion
  • /bow3        - deep curtsy
  • /bow4        - deep bow, arm wave in a "you first" motion
  • /bow5        - really deep hurt your legs curtsy
  • /bow6        - super exaggerated bow
  • /burp         - burp, first hits chest
  • /cheer1     - two arms wave in air with bull horns
  • /cheer2     - both arms wave in air in fists
  • /cheer3     - right arm fist pump
  • /cheer4     - right arm multiple fist pump
  • /cheer5     - left arm fist pumps
  • /cheer6     - right arm fist high in air
  • /cheer7     - right arm fist high in air, many fist pumps
  • /cheer8     - right arm fist high in air, many fist pumps with a slight hop
  • /chicken    - dismissive arm wave and then makes chicken wings with arms
  • /clap1       - both hands above head clapping for a fairly long time
  • /clap2       - both hands above head clapping
  • /clap3       - slow clap in front of face
  • /clap4       - slow clap in front of chest
  • /clap5       - fast clap in front of face
  • /clap6       - very delicate clap near top of head
  • /clap7       - heavy clap in front of face
  • /come1     - left hand high beckons
  • /come2     - right hand aggressive salute point to target then waves target to self
  • /come3     - right hand point at target then down at floor, slightly angry
  • /come4     - left hand single finger beckons towards
  • /cry          - crying, both hands at face, big emotion
  • /dance1    - little head bobbing, little hand thrusting to sides, slight rocking back and forth on feet
  • /dance2    - more enthusiastic hand thrusting to the air and sides, rocking back and forth on feet.
  • /dance3    - head bobbing and swaying back and forth, minimal arm moving
  • /dance4    - head bobbing and swaying back and forth, minimal arm moving
  • /dance5    - pumping chicken wings and legs
  • /dance6    - short jig with a finger in the air
  • /failure      - kick sand
  • /flex1        - right arm flex
  • /flex2        - both arms flex down and then flex with fists up
  • /flex3        - both arms flex down and then a pointing flex and then flex with fists up
  • /flirt           - blow a kiss
  • /gasp1      - right hand to face
  • /gasp2      - right hand to face
  • /gasp3      - both hands to face
  • /gasp4      - both hands to face and dip in legs
  • /gasp5      - both hands to face in shock and step back
  • /gloat1      - hands on side of hips and shoulder shake while looking around
  • /gloat2      - hands on side and look around
  • /gloat3      - thumbs tucked in belt and look around
  • /gloat4      - thumbs tucked in belt and head shake, look around
  • /greet1      - wave with left hand
  • /greet2      - big hands low and then left hand high
  • /laugh1     - big exaggerated laugh with hands up and down and on waist
  • /laugh2     - hands up, then down, hands on hip and laugh and groan
  • /laugh3     - big belly laugh and point, lots of bowing and hand motion
  • /point1      - left hand point
  • /point2      - right hand point
  • /point3      - right hand shake and point
  • /point4      - left hand shake and point
  • /rude1       - right hand slides up along chin and out
  • /rude2       - double flip off
  • /rude3       - crank middle finger flip off
  • /salute1     - simple salute
  • /salute2     - slow salute
  • /sit            - sit with arms around knees
  • /sleep        - lay down and sleep
  • /smell1      - wave hand around nose
  • /smell2      - Both hands around nose in shock and big hand wave while covering mouth
  • /stand        - stand up
  • /threaten1  - finger across throat
  • /threaten2  - knuckle snap
  • /wait1        - right hand up to wait
  • /wait2        - time out sign
  • /wave1       - right hand wave
  • /wave2       - right hand two finger salute
  • /whistle1    - both fingers of right hand on mouth whistle
  • /whistle2    - both hands on each side of mouth whistle
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