
Counterfeit goods


The following goods are considered counterfeit items within the respective spaces listed. Possessing and/or trafficking these items within these jurisdictions incurs fines if discovered.

Classes of goods

Class A Controlled Substances are illegal to traffick and possess anywhere within the UEE.

Class B Controlled Substances have been declared by the local jurisdiction as illegal to traffic and possess.

Class C Controlled Substances have been declared by the local jurisdiction as illegal to traffic, but legal to possess.

Prohibited items and materials are those that have been declared illegal. This list can vary by jurisdiction.

Alpha 3.10.2 in-game journal entries.[1]


For the purposes of fines, 'trafficking' is defined as possessing more than .125 SCU of any given counterfeit item.[2]

Last updated: 2020年09月5日; 4年前 (2020-09-05) (Alpha 3.10.2)
Class Trafficking
UEE Crusader Hurston ArcCorp 微科公司 六角湾 Levski
Class A 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Unrestricted Unrestricted
Class B NA 4375 4375 4375 4375 Unrestricted Unrestricted
Class C NA NA NA NA NA Unrestricted Unrestricted
Prohibited NA NA NA NA NA Unrestricted Unrestricted
Class Possession
UEE Crusader Hurston ArcCorp 微科公司 六角湾 Levski
Class A 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Unrestricted Unrestricted
Class B NA 1250 1250 1250 1250 Unrestricted Unrestricted
Class C NA NA NA NA NA Unrestricted Unrestricted
Prohibited 5625 5625 5625 5625 5625 Unrestricted Unrestricted

Item status per-jurisdiction

Last updated: 2020年09月5日; 4年前 (2020-09-05) (Alpha 3.10.2)
Item Class
UEE Crusader Hurston ArcCorp 微科公司 六角湾 Levski
“冠军” A A A A A Unrestricted Unrestricted
"黑寡妇" A A A A A Unrestricted Unrestricted
DCSR2 A A A A A Unrestricted Unrestricted
Uncut SLAM A A A A A Unrestricted Unrestricted
"迷宫" NA B B B C Unrestricted Unrestricted
"霓虹" NA C B B C Unrestricted Unrestricted
幻云 NA C B C C Unrestricted Unrestricted
艾坦药草 NA C C C NA Unrestricted Unrestricted
Osoian Hides Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Unrestricted Unrestricted
Gasping Weevil Eggs Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Unrestricted Unrestricted
护生医疗棒 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Unrestricted Unrestricted
Redfin Energy Modulator Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Unrestricted Unrestricted
CK13-GID Seed Blend NA Prohibited NA NA Prohibited Unrestricted Unrestricted
mobyGlass Personal Computers NA Prohibited NA NA Prohibited Unrestricted Unrestricted
RS1 Odysey Spacesuits NA Prohibited NA Prohibited Prohibited Unrestricted Unrestricted
Human Food Bars NA Prohibited NA Prohibited Prohibited Unrestricted Unrestricted
HLX99 Hyperprocessors NA NA NA NA Prohibited Unrestricted Unrestricted

