
Corsen Messer

Character in Star Citizen

Corsen Messer
Corsen Messer
種族 人類
性別 Male
生於 2609
死於 2662
角色 Fifth Imperator of the UEE
勢力 UEE
官職 地球聯合帝國皇帝
在職年份 2643 - 2662
黨派 Messer Regime
選區 地球聯合帝國

Corsen Messer or Corsen Messer V was the fifth 地球聯合帝國皇帝 of the 地球聯合帝國, reigning from 2643 until 2662. He was succeded by his daughter Illyana Messer, who poisoned him and his son Gammon.


Corsen came to power after his sister,[1] Livia Messer, was severely injured in a spacecraft crash while re-entering Earth's atmosphere, which killed her husband as well as her son, Marius Messer, who would have been next in line.[2]

Corsen Messer widened the range of crimes eligible for capital punishment, raised taxes throughout the 地球聯合帝國, suspended the right to a trial for political crimes, increased censorship, founded the Monumentalist architectural movement.[3]

In 2654 the Imperator nationalized all "terraforming support" concerns. As a result, the formerly favored Gold Horizon company collapsed leaving behind space stations that would later be renowned for criminal activity.[4]

Corsen pushed the Monumentalism (strong authoritarian) style of architecture during his reign.[5][6]

Charon III

He also opened more political prisons on Charon III.[3] In 2670 Charon III received recognition in the Senate via his decree.[1][obsolete information?]


Corsen died in 2662. His daugther Illyana was suspected for orchestrating his assassination in 2662, using poison to kill both him and his elder son Gammon Messer.[3][7]


He was son of Deacon Messer, 2nd Imperator of the UEE. His partner is unknown. He had at least 2 children:


  1. 1.0 1.1 Galactic Guide: Charon System, Jump Point, vol. 05, no. 3, p. 46.
  2. Loremaker's Guide To The Galaxy: Charon System. 通訊連結
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Galactapedia: Corsen Messer V, acc. 2020-02-01
  4. Galactic Guide - Gold Horizon. 通訊連結
  5. YouTube - The Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy - Castra System
  6. The Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy - Castra System. 通訊連結
  7. Loremakers Guide To The Galaxy: Leir System. 通訊連結. Retrieved 2020-02-01
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