
Comm-Link:Empire Report - 2945-06-18

系列Empire Report
类型Spectrum Dispatch
来源Empire Report: 2945-06-18
标题 发布日期
Empire Report: 2945-02-12 2015-02-12
Empire Report: 2945-02-19 2015-02-19
Empire Report: 2945-06-18 2015-06-18
Empire Report: Arthur Vin Dead 2015-07-08
Empire Report: Election Night Coverage 2016-05-04
Empire Report: HuXa Protests 2017-05-31
Empire Report: Hyperion Rally 2016-12-14
Empire Report: Lynch Fever Outbreak 2015-02-18
Empire Report: Stranded in Vanduul Space 2018-01-17
Empire Report: Suj Kossi Suspends Campaign 2016-01-06
Empire Report: Final Five Imperator Candidates 2020-05-13
Empire Report: Sataball Scandal 2018-10-03

Civil War on Charon III: Failed Peace Talks Lead to Heavy Fighting

Beck Russum: Coming up on the Empire Report, peace talks on Charon III collapsed last night, sparking heaving fighting in both states. 德林 Governor Tarquin Klast cites the attack as proof of Archeron's desire to continue fighting.

Ship Insurance Scams: Senate Debates UEE Intervention

Alan Nuevo: 飞船保险 scams reach an all time high. With millions of credits on the line will the 地球联合帝国 intervene? If so, what will their involvement mean for you?

Hawksworth's Haute Couture

Beck Russum: Controversy in the fashion world, Hawksworth's spring collection turned more than heads today. Leto Gary is live in London with all the details.

Editorial Note: Experimenting with transcripts of the Empire Report short videos in the Around the Verse Shows. Source link is to the AtV episode. Embedded video Courtesy of StarCitizenNewsRadio