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通訊連結(Comm-link)是Cloud Imperium Games Corporation 關於星際公民 和42中隊的官方發布內容。此處轉載的「通訊連結」在格式和維基連結方面做了極少改動,並提供了翻譯。本通訊連結的原始出處可在以下網址找到 $16 Million!. 通訊連結
$16 Million!
Greetings Citizens,
We have just hit $16 million in pledges for 星際公民! The entire Cloud Imperium team is humbled at your dedication to our game, space sims and the PC. With the imminent release of the first Hangar Module we are going to show our dedication to sharing game development with our fans by giving them the earliest ever look at a AAA game… and with this new funding achievement you have shown your dedication to this project once again!
With this milestone you have unlocked the following stretch goals. You will learn more about each in a more detailed post later in the week!
- Arena mode: The next generation of Wing Commander’s TrainSim allows pilots to test out their combat skills against friends or strangers in a simulation. Gain valuable combat experience without the downside of losing your ship in the game universe! Place bets on competitions across the galaxy.
- Every pledger who backs before $16 million will receive a laser pistol. Keep your ship safe from boarders with a pistol by your side.
We are also now pleased to reveal the $18 million goals:
- Exclusive star system for pre-launch backers. Only players who support the game before its launch will receive the computer coordinates needed to allow their jump drives to access this system.