

在Cano的Ocean Planet

Carteyna : Cano II
分類Ocean Planet
位置UEE space
└─ Orbiting Cano (star)

Located on the edge of the habitable zone, Carteyna is a classic waterworld. Fortunately, its planetary axis constantly keeps the northern hemisphere away from the sun, which allowed for the water to freeze into the landmasses used as the initial landing zones in 2587. Multiple attempts have been made to try to convert the thick atmosphere into something breathable, but the process never seemed to stick. In fact, over the years, every time there's a new technological development in geo-engineering, they test it out here on Carteyna only to yield the same result. Almost fifty years ago, scientists discovered microscopic organisms in the very early phases of life in the depths of the oceans. This caused a massive uproar throughout the 地球聯合帝國 at the prospect that they had been attempting to terraform a developing world. Carteyna was immediately placed under the Fair Chance Act. Unfortunately, 人類s had been living here for almost over three hundred years and the families that had been here for generations felt that they had earned rights as residents. After years of debate in the political and scientific community, the population was allowed to stay, but only under certain conditions: future terraforming attempts have been outlawed and the 人類 population has been consolidated to a single arcology to minimize their impact on their environment and the development of whatever species is growing in the deep.[1]

Landing Zones

Carteyna City

Carteyna City is the only city on Carteyna.


  1. Letter From The Chairman: $38 Million. 通訊鏈接

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