
Banu-Human Interstellar Peace Treaty


The Banu-Human Interstellar Peace Treaty (or the Interstellar Peace and Trade Accord) is the first interspecies treaty in 人類 history.[1] Negotiated by General Neal Socolovich, it was signed between the 地球聯合國 and the 巴努保護國 in October 2438 - just four months after Vernon Tar's accidental first contact with the Banu.[2] The treaty established a social and commercial alliance between both species that has been enjoyed for over 500 years. Due to the nature of contracts in Banu culture, once per Banu generation, the treaty must be renegotiated with Banu leadership.[3]


  1. 12988 Writers Guide Part Six. 通訊鏈接. Retrieved 2022-07-04
  2. Vy4wnv7zgw Banu Human First Contact. 銀河百科. Retrieved 2022-07-04
  3. Galactapedia: Banu-Human Interstellar Peace Treaty. 銀河百科. Retrieved 2020-12-30
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