
Astrid Messer

Character in Star Citizen

Astrid Messer
Astrid Messer
種族 人類
性別 Male
生於 2661
死於 2701
角色 Seventh 地球聯合帝國皇帝 of the 地球聯合帝國
勢力 UEE
官職 地球聯合帝國皇帝
在職年份 2697 - 2701
黨派 Messer Regime
選區 地球聯合帝國

Astrid Messer (also Astrid Messer VII) was a ursurpator to the throne of the Empire of Earth. The granddaughter of Corsen Messer V seized control over the Empire in 2697 from her cousin Samuel Messer. A civil war ensued which ended with her assassination in 2701.


Not much is known about her early life. She was the daughter of Gammon Messer the eldest child of Corsen V. Gammon was murdered alongside Corsen in 2662.

She seized power from her aunt Illyana Messer, after the latter died of a sudden stroke in 2697.

During her reign, she expanded censorship, and ordered mass arrests of journalists who spoke against the conflict between her and Samuel Messer, her cousin and rightful successor of Illyana Messer. At the time when Astrid took office, Samuel, and some of his mother Illyana's loyal agents smuggled him away from 地球, and hid him for many years. Eventually Astrid was assassinated by Samual's agents in 2701, leading him to ascend to 地球聯合帝國皇帝.[1]


  1. Galactapedia: Astrid Messer VII. 銀河百科
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