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This is a summary of lore events occurring in the 21st Century in the 星際公民 universe.
2001 – 2100
Date | Type | Event |
2003-09-21 | Exploration | NASA's Galileo probe enters the atmosphere of Jupiter, becoming the first manmade object on the planet. |
2015-04-30 | Exploration | NASA's MESSENGER probe crashes into the surface of Mercury, becoming the first manmade object on the planet. |
2017-09-15 | Exploration | The NASA/JPL operated Cassini probe passes through the Rings of Saturn and enters the atmosphere of Saturn, becoming the first manmade object to do either. |
21st Century | Milestone | 地球 is reaching a critical mass of overpopulation. Numerous wars erupt across the planet as the populace face food, water and energy shortages. |
2038 | Commercial | 羅伯茨太空工業 founded by Chris Roberts. |
2044 | Disaster | "Lemming Car" AI incident occurs in Tokyo.[1] |
2061 | Milestone | Chris Roberts begins sowing the seeds of terraforming technology. |
2075-05-03 | Scientific | Dr. Scott Childress and his team complete the first self-sustaining quantum drive engine, capable of achieving 1/100th the speed of light.[2] |