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[[File:Carrack Jump.png|right|thumb|250px|Concept render of [[Carrack]] exploring a [[Jump Point]]]]
[[File:Carrack Jump.png|right|thumb|250px|[[Carrack]]探索一个跳跃点[[Jump Point]]的概念图片]]
探险即为探索和调查位置的地点与[[Jump Point|跳跃点]]。装备上强大的传感器和扩大的燃料箱,探险家们能突破已知宇宙的界限,寻找进行下一个大发现的机会。即使没有做出重大发现的探险家仍然可以通过向研究人员出售有趣的异常位置,测量富含矿石的小行星或进行秘密军事侦察来赚取大量金钱。<ref>{{RSIForumComment|ref=no|comnum=650477|text=Chris Roberts on Exploration}}</ref>
探险即为探索和调查位置的地点与[[Jump Point|跳跃点]]。装备上强大的传感器和扩大的燃料箱,探险家们能突破已知宇宙的界限,寻找进行下一个大发现的机会。即使没有做出重大发现的探险家仍然可以通过向研究人员出售有趣的异常位置,测量富含矿石的小行星或进行秘密军事侦察来赚取大量金钱。<ref>{{RSIForumComment|ref=no|comnum=650477|text=Chris Roberts on Exploration}}</ref>

2022年12月16日 (五) 03:30的版本


宇宙中几乎每个飞行员都有他们目前正在从事的职业; 不论是一次性的合同又或是运作一个代代相传的家族企业, 职业生涯中每一个人都专注在一件事上: 赚




赏金猎人是一项危险的任务,追踪地球联合帝国的法律或私人赏金通缉的罪犯,逮捕他们,并移交给个人或者机构来赚取赏金。[1] 复仇者 追猎是一艘专门为赏金猎人们设计的船,加装了电磁脉冲武器和六个囚犯运输仓。




因为跳跃点是在星系间旅行的唯一方式,对他们的探索会成为扩展宇宙的重要方式。虽然大多数已知宇宙被跳跃点连接着,仍有许多跳跃点还未被探索。[3] 探索跳跃点是危险的,需要灵巧的手动控制才能在危险而狭窄的曲速空间走廊中穿行。[4]



信使是一艘对于信息贸易及有价值的飞船,无论是合法的亦或是非法的。它能够在宇宙中安全地传输关键数据,或者可以配备拦截、解密和彻底窃取数据包以出售给出价最高的人。在不那么引人注目的一面,信赖 新闻等新闻飞船仅仅使用高功率光学器件和传感器生成信息,并在整个宇宙中传播。[6]










采矿将是游戏的主要职业之一。成功进行采矿作业需要技巧和创造性思维,而不是重复按下按钮。其中的要素包括关注商品市场来确定要开采什么矿石,然后找到一个合适的包含矿物的小行星带,最后在开采后出售你的货物。以下所有专家职位都可能由玩家或 NPC 担任,更有经验的 NPC 以卓越的方式履行职责,但通常以要求更高的月薪为代价。[8]


创世纪 星航运输乘客的概念图片

Passenger transport is a unique occupational role that characters can assume. The objective of a transporter is to deliver passenger from one location to another in as comfortable a manner as possible. First, a ship such as the 创世纪 星航 must be available for use before a license is acquired. Then, the ship is docked at a public landing pad and the local Flight Schedule Computer begins broadcasting the available seats to the public. Once the ship is loaded with passengers and supplies, it departs.

During transport, the character must manage hired crew, unruly customers, and generally balance all customer needs. Computer terminals, drink mixers, medical devices, and entertainment terminals may all be employed to keep happiness and satisfaction at its highest level. Upon landing, passengers will affect your reputation by providing feedback and departing the ship. Once cleared, the ship is ready to take on new supplies and set out on a new route.[9]


Piracy is the unlawful theft of cargo, goods, and ships by attacking other characters in the universe. Ships like the Cutlass are well-suited to the role with strong weapons and an ample cargo bay to make off with their valuable catch.


The 穆雷杯: a racer's dream

Racing is the speed demon's career, filled with thrumming engines, chanting fans, and split-second decisions. Racers tune their beloved M50 or 350r to racing specifications for months before each race, trying to get that slight edge on their opponents. The grand dream of any racer is the 穆雷杯, the jewel in star racing's triple crown [10]


Concept render of the repair of a 短剑' damaged wing

When a ship or component is damaged, it must be repaired. These repairs can be done simply and cheaply in NPC stations or planetside, but for local, fast repairs, only a trained repairman (Hopefully with a 坩埚 repair ship)will do.

Repair is a relatively simple profession: get paid to repair damaged ships; however, the difference between good repair job and a bad one could result in the destruction of a ship from a failed component. Repair crew must use the correct materials, apply them efficiently and accurately, and maintain component operation.[11]


Salvage is the collection and processing of ships, stations and other manufactured goods after they have been destroyed. Ships like the 回收者 and the 秃鹫 specialise in such a role; equipped with unmanned drones, tractor beams, and reclamation equipment to turn burnt-out husks into valuable materials.

The first iteration of gameplay will be implemented with Patch 3.18 including 'hull scraping' to sell material for profit and multitool repair. It can be obtained via salvage lasers on the Reclaimer and Vulture by activating the salvage mode or in FPS via the multitool. The Reclaimer can be manned with a second salvage turret, but also produces boxes of recycled material composite which must be stacked manually in the storage grid of the ship. The FPS Multitool can salvage small chunks and patch hull fissures.[12]


Science is the gathering of information and the analysis of this information into useful, valuable data. The 奋进 in its Discovery-class configuration is a dedicated science ship, with general research and science bays in combination with the optional telescope array to produce this data for buyers.


A subset of trading; smuggling is the transportation of illegal goods, information, or people into or out of protected areas. This includes the transportation of illicit drugs or slave trading in 地球联合帝国 space.

To avoid police scans, ships will have to install special smugglers' compartments on their ships that protect items from such scans.[13]


Sample economy model for producing widgets

Trading in Star Citizen is the distribution of goods from producers to consumers using ships. This distribution comes in several forms, with varying levels of pay, danger, and consistency:

  1. Trade lanes/routes: Consistent supply and demand between a producer and supplier. Often requires high volume transport at low rates. Only transporters and traders with a good reputation would be considered
  2. On-Demand: Consumers in dangerous space or with infrequent demand will put out trade requests and generally accept a contract with the lowest bidder; though reputation and past service will have an impact on this choice
  3. Emergency: Sudden shortages or major events create short-term, high-pay missions that are first-come, first-served.

Ships that are most suited to trading include ones with high cargo capacity and/or range. Generally, traders must make a trade-off between cargo capacity, range, and defences; while the 货轮 C ship may carry a relatively large amount of cargo, it's nearly defenceless without an escort.[14]


  1. RSInotext.svg Developer comment on Bounty Hunting
  2. RSInotext.svg Chris Roberts on Exploration
  3. RSInotext.svg Exploration Dev Comment #1
  4. RSInotext.svg Exploration Dev Comment #2
  5. UEE Intercepted Signal: The Drake Herald Threat
  6. Reliant Mako News Van. Pledge Store
  7. 7.0 7.1 MISC Endeavor Q&A Part 3. 通讯链接
  8. Comm-Link: Star Citizen Careers - Mining. 通讯链接
  9. Design: Civilian Passenger Transport. 通讯链接
  10. Comm-Link:Galactic Guide - The Murray Cup. 通讯链接
  11. Comm-Link:Ship Repair and Maintenance. 通讯链接
  12. Youtube: Inside Star Citizen - Vulture Venture (2022-09-15), acc. 2022-09-27
  13. 10 for the Chairman Episode 72 from 2015-12-14; Transcript by SCQA
  14. Comm-Link: The Star Citizen Economy. 通讯链接

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