
Sentient nomadic bipedal species
MK02讨论 | 贡献2024年4月20日 (六) 17:32的版本
Cloud Imperium Games Vanduul Head Detailed.jpg
Kingdom 外星物种
Sentient? 有意识
Capital 集群游牧/流浪
Founded 未知发现地
Language 剜度氏族语
Religion 未知信仰
Government 无中央政府
  • Tribalism
Ruler 多个部落最高领导
Currency 未知货币体系
Territories 16已知星系
Status 繁荣
Discovered In 公元2681年; 273年 前 (2681)

剜度氏族 ( Xi'an: Uantuul(Uantūl) (Proper); Banu: Wandúlo(Wandúlo); Vanduul: vwanduul; )是有感知能力,意识形态,且进行游牧/流浪生活的外星种族。{{efn|当一名剜度氏族中的男性达到"成年"后,他将与自己的氏族一起度过余生,一直"逃亡"。目前还不清楚剜度氏族的雌性和幼年个体生活在哪里以及在什么样的环境下,但他们仍然需要雌雄交配进行繁殖。剜度氏族是一种两足外星生物。雄性个体居住在飞船上,组成被称为"氏族"或"群体"的有组织的集群。[1] 剜度氏族在2681年与人类进行了首次接触。[2] 自从这些首次接触以来,剜度氏族通常对其他种族,尤其是人类,表现出敌对态度。人类为了与他们和平接触而做出的所有尝试都以失败告终。在2681年至2712年之间,他们对人类定居区进行了一系列大规模袭击,包括卡利班星系俄里翁星系维吉尔星系的沦陷。此后,他们不断袭击UEE的"西部"地区。[3][4] 在接下来的250年中,在台博尔星系的冲突导致了数百万名人类士兵和平民的死亡。

2945-10-05的维加二号之战导致UEE 参议院正式宣布对剜度氏族发起了跨物种的战争。[5]并于2946年在奥伯龙星系中与剜度氏族进行对抗,这被称为曼德拉克行动[6]




与人类的首次接触是暴力的。在2681年8月9日,一群剜度氏族袭击了俄里翁星系的阿米塔奇(Armitage)上的戴尔镇(Dell Township),造成638人死亡,并绑架了一名人类。[2][11][12][13]不寻常的是,袭击的来敌抢劫了许多毫无价值的物品,却避开了更重要的物品。自此事件以来,剜度氏族在2681年至2712年间袭击了俄里翁星系、维吉尔星系和台博尔星系,这导致维加星系迅速短暂地增长。[14] until the system became later itself a target of Vanduul attacks.





在2712年2月2日,一支剜度氏族部队的突然袭击开始了俄里翁之战[15][16] 在剜度氏族的袭击下,UEE的舰队遭到重创,撤退至台博尔和卡利班星系,并被迫放弃了整个俄里翁。在接下来的一年中,由一艘"王船"级母舰领导的剜度氏族氏族对俄里翁三号进行轰炸,使用反物质炸弹摧毁了行星表面,然后开始对该行星进行采集。[11][12]






剜度氏族在2871年进行的第二次进攻导致卡利班星系的陷落。[18][19] 尽管生活在对剜度氏族袭击的恐惧中,但阿雷米斯在2920年代至2930年代期间经历了一次重大的经济繁荣。[4]


在数年的“和平”之后,[20] 剜度氏族于2945年十月五,六日袭击了新科尔沃埃斯蒂利亚(阿雷米斯上的定居点),吹响了全面战争的号角。

The concept of Vanduul armor shown in Around the Verse on 2018-06-28



Vanduul Warrior Concept Art








Size Comparison





至少有一个深入剜度氏族领域的星系实质上是巴奴人的所有地。[22] 根据2013年的《作家指南》,剜度氏族和他们之间的关系被描述为“不稳定但友好”(待考证)。[23]一些氏族与巴奴国家有贸易往来。[24] 人类对于这两个种族之间的贸易关系的程度并不清楚,因为巴奴人作为已知空间内最出名的商人一直在积极地保密这方面的信息。[25]













文件:Vanduul Pictographs.PNG
Ancient Vanduul scripts

Vanduul have a "unified system of quasi-pictographic writing". A translation team from the University of Moscow investigated the Language, although it will take several years before the Vanduul language has been completely deciphered.[1] The language was created by Britton Watkins.[27]

Some words are known, due to a conversion from the performance capture of Squadron 42. According to Sipola (2016),[27] these are (written in the International Phonetic Alphabet)

[ˈkurae ʃalˈjuve:], [ʒaˈlaθ ʔaqˈqaθ:on: ˈminːa::], [iwe:hah:ih:ohʃdavo:hpunahdoh], [ˈkai ˈfisad ˈjusa ˈkujamˌlaχ↗nu::] and [χeχo:lda:ˈvedna::]. He also pointed out that the Vanduul bodies are changed their color based on their mood.[27]

Andy Serkis has stated that the language is very guttural and harsh sounding.[28]



Note: This section includes several SPOILERS of 42中队 and 星际公民 storyline.

The Vanduul are intended to be a resemblance of the Vandals and Visigoths [29] [30] [31] - or "barbarian" tribes of the 4th and 5th Century [3] (brutal, purely nomadic, war-like, see Vandalism[32]). In Robert's words "We settled on the decline and fall of the Roman empire. But instead of it being the Roman empire, it's the United Empire of Earth, and we've got surrounding enemy alien factions who are analogous to the fall of the Roman empire." [31] You have war on one side where it's pretty simple, fighting against the barbarian hordes much like the legions did towards the end of the Roman empire." [3] He also said: "So we start the game before there's a proper split [between Terra, equivalent of Constantinople [3] and 地球, equivalent of Rome], but there will be a split between the two sides, and then we'll have an in-game event that's like the sack of Earth further on, like the sack of Rome." [3] It is a reference to the Visigoths (sacked Rome in 410) and Vandals (sacked rome in 455).[lower-alpha 1]


" They are scavengers. They don't create their technology, they absorb other race's technology and make do what they want with it. So, they are really really capable in understanding how stuff works and making stuff work for them by modifying it and like combining stuff together. (...) they don't care about [visual aspects] (…) they don't have art (...) they're just out there to basically conquer and absorb and assimilate and just be stronger. That's why their weapons(...) don't necessarily have a consistent style per se as you can very often see some other races and some other technologies inside."
Michal Kozlowski, Around the Verse: Vanduul Blade & Shops 'n Trade [33]


  • Chris Roberts wanted the Vanduul to be an homage to the Kilrathi from the Wing Commander serie, hence a feline inspiration.[34]
  • The Vanduul are part of the lore of Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues, where the Vanduul Polearm is the only known remnant of that race, as part of a cross promotion between the two games. Meanwhile Star Citizen includes the Novia Crossbow. This is in part due to Chris Roberts and Richard Garriott working together back at Origin Systems, where already a crashed Kilrathi spaceship from Wing Commander could be found in Ultima.

Galactapedia links


  1. A note on parallels with the Vandals, who lived relatively steadily until they were forced by the Huns to cross the Rhine (with the Alans and Suebi) in 409. Afters years of wandering they erected a shortlived kingdom in Spain, then in Carthago. In 455, followed by another roman civil war, they were invited by a roman faction to eliminate the roman usurper Petronius Maximus who was proclaimed the new emperor. He wanted to marry his son to the dead Emperor's daughter, a turn which raised resistance in the roman aristocracy. As the vandalic army arrived at the city, the roman defenders opened the gate without resistance. Petronius was stoned by the citizens or murdered by his own guard.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Vanduul Warship Analysis. 通讯链接
  2. 2.0 2.1 2681 - Scorched Earth. 通讯链接
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Chris Roberts On PC Gaming, Going To Space, Rock - Paper - Shotgun from 2012-10-27. Accessed 2016-11-03.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Star Citizen: Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy - Vega System from 2012-10-27. Accessed 2016-11-03.
  5. Congress Now - Vega II Recognition Review. 通讯链接
  6. Empire Report - Victory on the Vanduul Front. 通讯链接
  7. Galactic Guide: Vega System. 通讯链接
  8. Virgil II - Ark Starmap. 方舟星图
  9. Galactic Guide: Virgil System. 通讯链接
  10. Galactic Guide: Tiber System. 通讯链接
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Jump Point: Orion System. 通讯链接
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 This Day in History: The First Step Back. 通讯链接
  13. 13.0 13.1 Galactapedia: Vanduul-Human First Contact, acc. 2020-01-03
  14. Starmap: Vega System
  15. Starmap: Orion System
  16. Galactapedia: Battle of Orion, acc. 2019-01-03
  17. The ARK Starmap. 通讯链接
  18. Starmap: Caliban System
  19. Galactapedia: Fall of Caliban. acc. 2019-01-03
  20. Congress Now. 通讯链接
  21. Writer's Guide: Part Seven. 通讯链接
  22. Writer's Guide: Part Four. 通讯链接
  23. Writer's Guide: Part Six. 通讯链接
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Writer's Guide: Part Seven. 通讯链接
  25. Youtube: Star Citizen Live: Alien Week Roundtable (June 2020), min. 00:40:40, acc. 2020-06-13
  26. Instagram: 2951 Alien Week fact #4 Accessed 2021-08-12
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Analysis of Vanduul phonology, p.1, Tuomo Sipola, 2016.
  28. Squadron 42: Behind the Scenes - Andy Serkis, 2016-03-18. Accessed 2016-11-03.
  29. 4th Anniversary Livestream (Youtube) from 2016-11-19. Accessed 2016-11-20.
  30. Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg Vandals
  31. 31.0 31.1 Creator Chris Roberts talks Star Citizen, The Ambitious Space Sim on steroids from 2015-03-18. Accessed 2018-08-21.
  32. Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg Vandalism#Origin_of_the_term
  33. Relay Transcript - Around the Verse: Vanduul Blade & Shops 'n Trade. Accessed 2018-06-10.
  34. Making of the Vanduul. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2922-24-01

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