
Update:Star Citizen Alpha 3.11.1a

於 2023年3月9日 (四) 03:13 由 imported>CxJuice 所做的修訂 (创建页面,内容为“{{等待翻译|翻译者=}} {{PatchData|version=3.11.1a|buildnumber=3.11.1 LIVE-6561606|publishdate=2020-11-19|Prev=Star Citizen Alpha 3.11.1|Next=Star Citizen Alpha 3.12.0}} * Fixed an issue causing ships to fall through planet surfaces when powered off. * Female Characters should now have correct sit animations for the under counter seat in the Nomad. * Paints should now be able to be applied to the Sabre Comet. * "Illegal Cargo" text will no longer show up…”)
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2020-11-19 - 4年前
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to fall through planet surfaces when powered off.
  • Female Characters should now have correct sit animations for the under counter seat in the Nomad.
  • Paints should now be able to be applied to the Sabre Comet.
  • "Illegal Cargo" text will no longer show up in trading kiosks when a player has no illegal cargo.


  • Fixed a Server Deadlock
  • Fixed a Backend Service Crash
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