
Project FarStar

imported>CxJuice2023年3月8日 (三) 15:36的版本 (创建页面,内容为“{{等待翻译|翻译者=}} '''Project FarStar''' was an exploration and colony program which run from 2547 until 2681 with the goal to establish the most distant Human colony ever. == History == The Project was initiated by the UNE in 2547 and continued by their successors (UPE, and UEE) until the program ended in 2681.<ref>{{Cite RSI|url=https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/galactapedia-update-june-29-2021/4163572|text=Spe…”)
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Project FarStar was an exploration and colony program which run from 2547 until 2681 with the goal to establish the most distant Human colony ever.


The Project was initiated by the UNE in 2547 and continued by their successors (UPE, and UEE) until the program ended in 2681.[1]

During its run in the mid-27th century, around a dozen planets were chosen as colonizable - with Orion III (Armitage) in the Orion-System as the most prominent one, because it subsequently was the point of first contact with the 剜度氏族 in 2681.[2][3]


  1. Spectrum - Galactapedia Update. Retrieved 2021-07-02
  2. Jump Point: Orion System. 通讯链接
  3. Comm-Link:Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy - Orion System. 通讯链接