
Mogote Aid Shelter

Shelter on Cellin 位於Stanton星系
於 2023年3月8日 (三) 11:46 由 imported>CxJuice 所做的修訂 (创建页面,内容为“{{等待翻译|翻译者=}} {{Infobox location | name = Mogote Aid Shelter | image =Cellin Mogote-Aid-Shelter-Day.jpg | type = Landmark | classification = Shelter | system = Stanton | locatedtype = On | locatedname = Cellin | habitable = Yes | affiliation1 = | starmapurl = <!-- URL of ARK Starmap --> }} '''Mogote Aid Shelter''' is a shelter designed for emergency use, located on 赛琳. ==History== From 2923 to 2927, a mysterious benefactor too…”)
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合併Cellin Mogote-Aid-Shelter-Day.jpg
Mogote Aid Shelter
地點Stanton星系    On 賽琳

Mogote Aid Shelter is a shelter designed for emergency use, located on 賽琳.


From 2923 to 2927, a mysterious benefactor took it upon themselves to see that this emergency shelter was stocked with jars of homemade marmalade. First reported by a stranded pilot, as word spread many other travelers would visit the shelter to try the jam for themselves. In 2927, when a reporter attempted to learn who was leaving the sweet treat, the marmalade supply stopped as mysteriously as it began. However, the tradition has been kept alive to this day by the many visitors who continue to leave preserves at the site.

Visitor information

Travel Map marker
Quantum marker
Hazards Extreme cold
Control Jurisdiction 十字軍
Comm-array coverage
Armistice zone
Private property

Landing accomodation
Pads Unavailable
Surface landing Available


Service Provider
Commodity trading Unavailable
Delivery handling Unavailable
Repair, rearm & refuel Unavailable
Ground vehicle spawning Unavailable


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