

City on Xi 位於Rihlah星系
於 2023年3月8日 (三) 01:28 由 imported>CxJuice 所做的修訂 (创建页面,内容为“{{等待翻译|翻译者=}} {{Infobox location | name = Corilla | image = | type = Landing zone | classification = City | system = Rihlah | locatedtype = On | locatedname = Xi | habitable = Yes | population = | founder = | founded = | affiliation1 = Xi'an Empire | starmapurl = <!-- URL of ARK Starmap --> }} '''Corilla''' is a smaller city on Xi surrounded by dense tropical rainforests. Open to outsiders, Corilla has become a de-facto trading post where in…”)
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地點Rihlah星系    On Xi
類型Landing zone

Corilla is a smaller city on Xi surrounded by dense tropical rainforests. Open to outsiders, Corilla has become a de-facto trading post where interested 希安 can interact with 人類, 巴努 and 塔維因 shipmasters.

Over the years, Corilla has become home to a distinct community of 地球聯合帝國 ex-patriots and political refugees, who have begun to subtly merge their distinct Human culture amidst the city's standard Xi'an hab-world architecture. UEE law enforcement has no jurisdiction in Xi'an space, and so it has become a popular place to 'hide in plain sight.' (However, note that the Xi'an typically do not prosecute Human-on-Human crimes, making it an open port for more ruthless bounty hunters.)[1]

As the various species have mixed and mingled over the decades, a burgeoning food scene has emerged that specializes in a unique style of cooking — fusing traditional dishes with the fresh local ingredients that abound in the jungle. Dubbed Xi'nu cuisine by the locals, you'll experience flavor combinations that can't be found yet anywhere else as you dine in the Li'ong Night Market.[2]


  1. Galactic Guide: Rihlah System. 通訊連結
  2. Origin 890 Jump Brochure

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