

UEE的single star
imported>DustSheep2022年2月9日 (三) 06:54的版本 (创建页面,内容为“{{等待翻译|翻译者=}} {{Infobox System |Name = Kiel system |Image =Kiel.jpg |System Type = Single Star |Asteroid Belts = 1 |Size = 22 |Star Type = Main Sequence Dwarf-F |Affiliation = UEE |Planets = 6 |Jump Points = 3 |Population = |Economy = |Threat = |Space Stations = |Discovered in = 2514 |Discovered by = Adhama Schnauss |Senator= Janna Thurville }} The '''Kiel system''' is a border system (former 佩里防线 system) to the Xi'an territory. It…”)
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Kiel system
星系类型Single Star
尺寸22 天文单位
恒星类型Main Sequence Dwarf-F
发现者Adhama Schnauss

The Kiel system is a border system (former 佩里防线 system) to the Xi'an territory. It was discovered by a merchant marine ship under the command of Adhama Schnauss in 2514. It was named after a friend of the captain of this merchant ship. Schnauss hoped the gesture would motivate his friend to finally venture into the stars to see the system that bore his name.[1]


After the discovery of the Baker and Horus System, 30 years later the UPE halted private sector building and transformed it into a military hub.[1]

Kiel's primary use was the serve as a staging area for military forces during the cold war. Out of the system's six planets only Severus (Kiel III) was terraformed to act as the military's center of operations.

It was also massively fortified and the Messer Regime pumped a lot of money into the system.[1]

Since tensions with the Xi'an have diminished and the military presence has completely retracted, Kiel has struggled in the following years to redefine itself as a non-military system. The system had no significant population and an ageing infrastructure. Joona Tzur (elected Governor in 2903) used Severus location advantage. The planetary infrastructure with his abandoned military facilities and hangars. He successfully attracted space industry companies to the planet and invested in leisure infrastructure. Tzur also convinced the 星际航空航天博览会 to host the event which boosted the tourism sector. The Senate recognized Severus in 2937. His first senator is Janna Thurville, daughter of Joona Tzur.[2]

Gravitational governors


Kiel is a Main Sequence Dwarf-F star.


Kiel I

A small mesoplanet in a tidally-locked orbit around the star.

Kiel II

A vacant rocky planet with a thin atmosphere. Even though it's unsuitable for terraforming, the 地球联合帝国 has prohibited corporations from mining the planet.

Severus : Kiel III

A terraformed terrestrial planet that served as the hub of operations for the system, though the planet's military status was downgraded when tensions were eased after the 梅塞尔王朝. Severus had difficulty attracting settlers and businesses to this formerly fortified system, but has been enjoying a recent population boom thanks to the recent Imperial recognition. Eri City hosted the 2946 星际航空航天博览会.

Kiel IV

This strikingly blue subgiant has an incredibly fast rotation, taking only 16 SEH to make a rotation.

Kiel V

A large gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, surrounded by planetary rings.

Kiel VI

This tiny protoplanet has an incredibly long orbital period around the star.

Asteroid belts

The Kiel system contains one asteroid belt. Belt Alpha is located between the orbits of Severus and Kiel IV

Known jump points

Jump Gate Type Size Destination
Kiel - Hadrian Large 哈德良星系
Kiel - Horus Large 荷鲁斯星系
Kiel - Baker Large 贝克星系


  • Kiel is a hanseatic german city. There is another System named after a hanseatic city, Bremen.



Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy: Kiel System (2017-03-08); Relay.sc Transcript - Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy: Kiel System (2017-03-08), acc. 2017-11-20.
  2. Galactic Guide: Kiel System. 通讯链接
  3. Comm-Link:Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy - Kiel System. 通讯链接

