
Size 3 grade C industrial quantum drive manufactured by 朱诺星际工厂
Manufacturer朱诺星际工厂 (JUST)
SizeLarge ({{#external_value:Size}})
TypeIndustrial (C)
Mass{{#external_value:Mass}} kg
Hit points{{#external_value:HP}}
UEC cost93,288−112,923
Speed表达式错误:无法识别的符号“{”。 m/s
Range表达式错误:无法识别的符号“{”。 km
Fuel usage表达式错误:无法识别的符号“{”。 units/km
Power usage{{#external_value:PowerBase}} - {{#external_value:PowerDraw}} pwr/s
Cool time{{#external_value:CoolTime}} s
Spool time{{#external_value:SpoolTime}} s

[[Category:Size {{#external_value:Size}} quantum drives]]

The Juno Starwerk Kama is a size 3 grade C industrial quantum drive. It has won more "Fan Favorite" reader's poll from 'Long Haul Quarterly' than any other industrial quantum drive in its class.[1]

Default Loadouts

Buyable at

Last updated with info from patch 3.9.1.

Location Store Price (UEC)
18区 Dumper's Depot 93,288
拜基尼空间站 Platinum Bay 109,750
列夫斯基 Dumper's Depot 112,923
奥丽莎空间站 Dumper's Depot 109,750


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