Noah White

Character in Star Citizen

Noah White 2.png
Noah White
种族 Human
性别 Male
生于 2945 (before)
角色 Captain, UEES Stanton
Actor Liam Cunningham
等级 Captain
分队 UEE Navy
服役年份 2945 (before) -

Noah White is the Captain of the UEES Stanton in 2945. He started his career on the ship years ago.

He appears in Squadron 42.[1][2] He is portrayed by Liam Cunningham.

In the Vertical Slice, White is seen talking with Julian Wexler over comms in the Briefing Room of the Stanton. He then proceeds to brief the Player and Old Man. After the briefing, he warns the player about the pitfalls of being a careerist, from personal experience with his own son.


White has a son, graduated from college in 2945/2946.[3]


Noah White from ATV.png
Cpt Noah White.png


  1. Squadron 42: The Morrow Tour (LIVE Version) (Squadron 42: Preview) from 2015-10-10. Accessed 2016-11-05.
  2. Star Citizen: 10 for the Chairman - Special Edition from 2016-09-29. Accessed 2016-11-15
  3. "Last time I saw my son, he was getting his Equivalency, next week he's graduating college..." -Squadron 42 Vertical Slice Gameplay Demo from 2017-12-22.
