Devlin Scrap & Salvage

Salvage yard on Euterpe 位於Stanton星系

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Devlin Scrap & Salvage
地點Stanton星系    On Euterpe
分類Salvage yard

Devlin Scrap & Salvage is an unmarked salvage yard on the surface of microTech's moon Euterpe.

In-game description

Our small operation has years of experience handling scrap and salvage. Whether you're an independent trader or just clearing out your hangar, we're happy to serve you.

Visitor information

Travel Map marker
Quantum marker
Hazards Extreme cold
Control Jurisdiction Microtech
Comm-array coverage
Armistice zone
Private property

Landing accomodation
Pads Unavailable
Surface landing Available


Service Provider
Commodity trading Trading console
Delivery handling Covalex delivery vendor machine
Repair, rearm & refuel Unavailable
Ground vehicle spawning Unavailable


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Euterpe Devlin Scrap & Salvage 3.13.0 15.04.2021 8 32 39.png


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