


Covalex Hub Gundo
類型 空間站
星系 斯坦頓星系
軌道所在星球 Daymar
是否宜居 No
歸屬 UEE
所有者 Covalex Shipping

Covalex Hub Gundo is a destroyed station in the Stanton System.

" Formerly Covalex's prime shipping hub for the system, Gundo suffered a catastrophic accident that resulted in an explosion and the deaths of all the employees aboard the station. Covalex has since moved their operations to Orison directly."
Starmap [1]

Upon approach, the station emits an automatic broadcast:

"This Covalex shipping hub is currently closed to the public. We apologize for the inconvenience."

At a shorter range, this is followed by:

"Warning! You are trespassing on Covalex private property."

And finally when entering in EVA:

"This station is currently off limits. Please vacate the area."

Since the station's debut in Alpha 2.0, Gundo has been home to the Secondary Mission P.I. Wanted, in which the player is tasked with uncovering the truth behind the accident, in order to potentially posthumously exonerate Darnell Ward, who has been accused of causing the disaster through negligence. The mission plays out through audio and text datapads found scattered throughout the station and has multiple endings.

Former crew


Despite her critical damage and complete lack of oxygen, the Starmap notes Hub Gundo as habitable.[2]


Gundo 2.jpg
Gundo 3.jpg
Gundo 4.jpg


  1. Starmap: Stanton Station - Covalex Hub Gundo. 方舟星圖
  2. Starmap: Stanton Station - Covalex Hub Gundo, acc. 2017-11-05. 方舟星圖


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