
Character in Star Citizen

File:Master Tai's Signature.png
種族 Xi'an
性別 Male
生於 Before 2784
角色 Dean of Xenolinguistics at the Xi'an Imperial Academy, Anóna
勢力 Xi'an
身份地位 Xi'an

Nya’to.y』anhyi T.ai ( Xi'an: Nya2to4yan5hyi Tai1(Nya’to.y』anhyi T.ai) (Proper); 字面意義: Master Professor Tai; ) was the Dean of Xenolinguistics at Xi'an Imperial Academy, Anóna at least as recently as 2947.


He worked with the UEE Office of Xenolinguistic Protocol to help produce An Overview of the Xi』an Language for Diplomats (at least, it's Third Edition), for which he also provided the foreword. At time of publication, he had been studying UEE Standard for 163 Standard Earth Years, meaning that he started learning shortly before the end of the Xi'an-Human Cold War.[1]

T.ai's name may be a nickname or a case of nominative determinism, as in the Xi'an language, a 'tai' is a single character.


  1. An Overview of the Xi'an Language for Diplomats. Retrieved 2022-12-03
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