Nexus III

在Nexus的Terrestrial Rocky
Nexus III
分類Terrestrial Rocky
歸屬United Empire of Earth
位置UEE space
Nexus system
└─ Orbiting Nexus (star)

This naturally habitable world was once the central hub for the Hathor Group before outlaws made the abandoned facilities their own. When the UEE resolved to retake the system, Nexus III was their first target. After a protracted battle to control the planet, the UEE military moved in and established a permanent presence.

Today, the planet is classified for military personnel only and no one without the proper clearance should attempt to land.[1]

Theaters of War

The original Hathor outposts on Nexus III are used in the game mode Theaters of War, where the player plays through the historical events when the UEE Advocacy attempted to reclaim the system in 2931. [缺乏引證]


  1. Galactic Guide: Nexus. 通訊連結

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