
在Rhetor的Terrestrial Rocky
Mentor : Rhetor IV
分类Terrestrial Rocky
归属United Empire of Earth
位置UEE space
Rhetor system
└─ Orbiting Rhetor (star)

Located on the far edge of the habitable zone, Mentor has a harsh boreal climate that keeps most people indoors. It's highly rated universities have a reputation for being more studious than those on Reisse. Some students say the challenging climate helps them focus on their studies, while others struggle with the constant cold both physically and psychologically. For this reason, Mentor's institutions have a higher dropout rate than those on Reisse.

Mentor is also home to one of the UEE's universal seed vaults. This secure location reportedly contains seeds for every plant in the UEE. The vault's specific location is a closely guarded secret. There is a heightened military presence on the planet, but they usually keep their distance from the universities.[1]


  1. Galactic Guide: Rhetor System. 通讯链接
