Corel II

在Corel的Terrestrial Rocky

Corel II
分類Terrestrial Rocky
歸屬United Empire of Earth
位置UEE space
Corel system
└─ Orbiting Corel (star)

Where Corel I is now entirely a planetary core, Corel II lacks one entirely. A dead planet with no magnetic field, Corel II's atmosphere has been blasted away by solar winds. The surface of the planet is, however, extremely rich in minerals, and the planet is a likely candidate for future mining expansion. It is officially UEE government territory today, although a mineral rights auction is anticipated in the near future. Corel II, on the inner edge of the system's green band, is also technically a terraforming candidate, although not a good one.[1]


  1. Galactic Guide: Corel. 通訊連結

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