Corbyn Salehi

Character in Star Citizen

Imperator Coley (2922 - 2928)
Corbyn Salehi
種族 Human
死於 公元2922年; 32年 前 (2922)
角色 Imperator of the UEE
勢力 UEE
官職 Imperator
在職年份 2872 (before) - 2922 (before)
選區 UEE

Corbyn Salehi was Imperator of the United Empire of Earth.


Salehi held office since before 2872[1] when he formally announced that the UEE Government is working on Synthworld. He died in 2922 from unexpected complications with his artificial pancreas.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Lua錯誤:bad argument #1 to 'lc' (string expected, got nil)。
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