

的Bounty Hunter任务

子类型 Bounty Hunter

Assassination missions require the player to kill a specific NPC target. Multiple players can be assigned the same target, and only the one who bags the kill is rewarded. There is also a time limit on taking them down.

Mission Title (dynamic)

  • Helpful Stranger

This title is always displayed for the first mission

  • Neutralize Threat
  • Cleaning House
  • Hunting Party
  • Wet Work
  • Eliminate a Problem
  • Funeral Arrangements
  • Special Delivery for (mission target name)
  • Eliminate (mission target name)

Mission Description (dynamic)

  • First Mission

"Listen, I know you don't know me, but that's kinda the point of this little experiment. We're just two complete strangers helping each other out.

Here's how this works - I give you a name. (Mission target name), for example. Then I'll tell you a place: (Mission location). Now, if by some complete and utter coincidence, they wind up shot to death a little while later, a bunch of credits will mystically appear in your account. Long story short, (Mission target first name / nickname) has some bad luck, you have some good luck. Everybody's happy.

Of course, there are plenty of other people eager for the help of a dependable stranger and if you do a good job here, I'll make sure they know you're the stranger to talk to.

Good luck out there."

  • Version 2

"Looking for someone who doesn't mind getting their hands dirty. Not talking guild work or anything, just someone who's good enough to aim and squeeze. See, (mission client) want (mission target name) permanently gone. Start looking at (mission location).

(Multiplayer mission)

(Timed mission)

(Mission danger)"

  • Version 3

"The (mission client) got a mess that needs cleaning up. Paying solid credits for it too. The mess goes by the name of (mission target name).

(Mission danger)

I can give you (mission location) but the rest is up to you.

(Multiplayer mission)

(Timed mission)"

  • Version 4

"There's a price on (mission target name)'s head.

(Multiplayer mission)

Credits go to whoever bags the bastard first.

(Timed mission)

I'd recommend starting at (mission location) but hey, don't let me tell you how to do your job.

(Mission danger)"

  • Version 5

"Guess who just got themselves placed onto the (mission client)' no-breathe-list? Some dragger named (mission target name). Yeah, I never heard of them either, but better them than us, right?

(Mission danger)

(Multiplayer mission)

Here's (mission location) so you'll probably want to start there.

(Timed mission)

Good luck."

  • Version 6

"I don't know what (mission target name) did, but they sure pissed off the wrong people. Credits go to whoever can give them a last lesson in manners straight through the head.

(Mission danger)

There isn't much to go on, but I can give you (mission location) to get you started.

(Timed mission)

(Multiplayer mission)

One last thing, the client wants you to say '[The blue dancer says hello / Return to sender / Tio sends his regards / See you in hell / This is for Martha / Looks like your birthday came early this year / Surprise].' when the trigger's pulled. Don't ask. Just do it."

  • Version 7

"(Mission target name) is breathing borrowed air. Time's come to punch their ticket for good.

(Timed mission)

I can give you (mission location) but you have to provide your own transport and clean weapons.

(Mission danger)

(Multiplayer mission)"

  • Version 8

"You know how they say the good die young? It's definitely true in this case. (Mission client) put a hit out on (mission target name), a local security thug that's hellbent on being a hero.

(Timed mission)

(Mission danger)

(Multiplayer mission)"

  • Version 9

"Why don't these security assholes ever learn to mind their own damn business? It's like they want to get murdered. Especially this one. Name's (mission target name). Been stirring up huge trouble for the (mission client) lately, but you're gonna put a permanent end to that.

(Timed mission)

(Multiplayer mission)

(Mission danger)

Knowing these security types, don't be surprised if they call for back up."

  • Version 10

"About time someone put (mission target name) in their place. This security hackjob's been taking bribes to look the other way, but the greedy little idiot decided to raise the rates. Big mistake! Now instead of those credits going to pay the smug bastard off, they're being used to pay you to murder their ass. That's some poetic justice right there.

(Mission danger)

(Multiplayer mission)

(Timed mission)"

  • Version 11

"This bounty hunter by the name of (mission target name) made the mistake of messing with one of the (mission client)'s crew. They're looking to even the score and are offering pretty decent creds to whoever does the deed.

(Mission danger)

(Multiplayer mission)

(Timed mission)"

  • Version 12

"I love it. This is one of those classic 'the hunter has become the hunted' scenarios you always see on the spec. (Mission client) have put a big bounty out on the head of bounty hunter (mission target name).

(Mission danger)

It'll be interesting to see how they like it when they tables are turned.

(Multiplayer mission)

(Timed mission)"

Mission Danger (dynamic)

  • Version 1

If even half the rumors about them are true, you're going to want to take them out long before they see you coming.

  • Version 2

Apparantly, this is supposed to be one of the more dangerous hitters in the sector. Do not make the mistake of underestimating them.

  • Version 3

Make sure to bring your full arsenal when you go hunting. Something tells me you might need it to take them down.

  • Version 4

Word of warning, no way someone like (mission target last name) is going down easy. You want to take them out? Do it hard and fast. 

Multiplayer Mission (dynamic)

  • Version 1

Probably worth it to mention you might run in to some competition out there since this isn't an exclusive contract.

  • Version 2

This contract is non-exclusive. First-come, first-serve.

  • Version 3

And just so you know, you most likely won't be the only one on the hunt since the (mission client) made this an open contract. 

  • Version 4

You should expect there to be some stiff competition on this. A lot of people out there are eager to see this scum dead once and for all.

Timed Mission (dynamic)

  • Version 1

You drag your feet on this, don't be surprised if they vanish.

  • Version 2

With a slippery bastard like this, you might only have a limited window of opportunity to hit them before they go to ground.

  • Version 3

Need this taken care of yesterday. Drop everything and get it done now.

  • Version 4

Urgent's an understatement on this one. Client's already comm'd me three times to ask if it's done yet.

Mission Location (dynamic)

  • Version 1

the coordinates where they were last spotted

  • Version 2

their last known location

  • Version 3

where they like to hang out

  • Version 4

one of the spots they're known to frequent


  • Locate the Target

Search for (mission target name) at (mission location).

  • Eliminate the Target

Eliminate (mission target name).
