
Update:Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.3

2024-11-20 - 53天前

Start Citizen Alpha 3.24.3 is a minor update for 星际公民.[1]

Launcher should now show: VERSION 3.24.3-LIVE.9423704

Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data. Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.

Items not saved to LTP Include: Hangar Decoration Customizations (Decorations will be returned to player's home location inventory), Medpens, Ammo, Ongoing Rentals and Refinery Jobs, and Character Customization (Make sure to Export your Custom Character)

  • Long Term Persistence: Enabled
  • Replication Layer: Enabled
  • Server Crash Recovery: Enabled
  • Starting aUEC: 20,000

Known Issues & Information

  • Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles - Player will clip through ship's geometry and will be pushed outside upon respawning in ship's medbay
  • PU - Stanton - IAE2024 - New Babbage - Locations / Vehicle / Renting / UI - All Days - The Drake Mule and Argo MPUV Cargo found in the Cargo Showroom have the pop-up AR rental UI (Workaround: Use Rental Kiosk)
  • PU - Social - AR markers - Party markers are not visible to other party members
  • RSI Polaris - PU/AC - Vehicles / Turret UI - Polaris Turret pips are missing on locked targets
  • The Argo ATLS currently cannot be destroyed (Not intended end goal and player inside is still vulnerable)
  • Multivehicle - PU - Vehicles / Components - Unable to pull components out from their sockets
  • PU - Stanton - Transit - Trams from Lorville Metro Centre to Teasa Spaceport will rapidly rotate when leaving the station, which can push the player out of bounds or kill them
  • Corsair co-pilot loses manual gimbal after remote turret (STARC-130625)
  • PU - Stanton - ArcCorp - Area18 - Locations / Art - Multiple areas across A18 have visarea/portal issues
  • PU - Stanton - UI / Locations / Vehicles / Kiosks - Vehicle Rentals / Purchase Kiosks preview image will overlap transaction UI once purchased
  • PU - Stanton - Multivehicle - MFD - MFDs can be interacted with while in mobiGlas
  • PU - Commodity Kiosks - Multiple Locations - "Failed" error appears when buying RMC from Commodity Kiosks
  • PU - Stanton - UI / Shipping & Delivery Kiosk - Shipping & Delivery Kiosk(Covalex)'s screen will be stuck on "Please Standby" after pressing "Pickup"

Features and Gameplay

Gameplay : Starmap Mission Objectives Panel

  • Starmap Mission Objectives PanelAdded option to view accepted/tracked contracts in contract manager and track/untrack accepted contracts from Starmap. Clicking on tracked objective in the list focuses on the marker.

Ships & Vehicles: Polaris - Starlancer Max - Point Defense System - QT Fuel Rebalance

  • Ship Additions and Updates
    • Added New Ship: RSI Polaris
    • Added New Ship: MISC Starlancer Max
    • Added New Ship: Anvil Terrapin Medic
    • Updated Standard & Polish: Anvil Terrapin
    • MISC Prospector Full Dash Rework
  • Added Point Defense Cannons (PDC)Point Defense Cannons have now been enabled on ships that use them! This includes new updates to this system to allow them to not only shoot at hostile missiles, bombs, and torpedoes, but also hostile ships.
  • Additional Ship Balance and Updates
    • Updated Quantum Fuel values for most ships to fit designated archetypes and ranges. This will increase some while decreasing others.
    • Temporarily Muted Annunicator Panel Audio (Until a proper fix for looped audio is in)
    • Updated MISC Starfarer Annunciator Scale and Made Vertical
    • Realigned MISC Freelancer Annuciators to be Vertical
    • Vehicle MFDs: Improved layout on target status screen to reduce overlaps
    • Made Slight adjustments to Flight Tuning for the Mirai Fury and Aegs Sabre Firebird/Peregrine
    • Bombs now Inherit the Hostility of the Launcher Entity (AI and PDCs can now detect hostile bombs)


    • Added Rentable Ships in Arena Commander: Sabre Firebird, Anvil Hornet F7C MkII, and URSA Medivac
    • Acidic Cave Archetype: Adorned with luminous pools of water and dramatic stalactites and stalagmites, these caves coming to Stanton, as well as the upcoming Pyro system, provide a captivating setting for exploration, FPS missions, missing person missions, and more.
    • Rock Cave Archetype: Illuminated by bioluminescent mushrooms, these caves coming to Stanton, as well as the upcoming Pyro system, provide a unique atmospheric location for exploration, FPS missions, missing person missions, and more.
  • Hangar Spawn Logic UpdatesWhen retrieving ships into newly created persistent hangars, we now also check for existing vehicles and store them. Also, when despawning ships we wait for async response to the vehicle owner query - (else we'll destroy ships where that's not been received yet). This avoids ships clipping into each other after spawning them into non-empty persistent hangars.
  • Additional Location Polish Pass
    • Hangar Elevator and Alarm Sounds have been temporarily muted
    • Newly Updated Stanton Skybox
    • Hangar Cargo Platform Lighting Polish Pass
    • Improved Item Kiosk Camera Positioning

Core Tech : Graphics Settings Updates - Performance Improvements

  • Graphics Settings UpdatesFullscreen mode has been adjusted to work more like full screen borderless. Selected resolutions in this mode causes the game to render in this resolution but the window always stays fullscreen. This now works with DSR (higher resolutions) as well as lower resolutions and can be combined with temporal upscaling. Some things like the console and UI will always be rendered in the native fullscreen resolution. Dedicated Borderless Mode will allow resolutions outside of monitor ratio (using 16:9 on a 32:9 monitor)

DLSS minimum resolution has been lowered from 1080p to 720p. Currently, picking a resolution with a different aspect ratio than the monitor can cause issues at the moment and will be fixed in later releases.

  • Added GPU Graph Console CommandGiving players the ability to toggle on and off a frametime graph using the ~ console.

enabled: "r_displayFrameGraph 1"

  • Additional Core Tech Updates
    • Further Server and Networking Performance Optimizations
    • Overall Ship/Vehicle Physics Network & Server Performance Optimizations
    • Added New Logic to Trigger Ship Destruction if Physics Threshold is Exceeded (This should help with ships vibrating and intersecting for long periods causing large physics performance hits on the server)
    • Render To Texture Performance Polish
    • Further Weapon Particle GPU Performance Improvements
    • Further Entity Spawner Reliability Improvements
    • Server Physics Entity Rotation Performance Improvements
    • Reduced Audio Mix Volume of Planetary Wind

Arena Commander

  • Miscellaneous
    • Now rentable: AEGIS Hornet Mk II, AEGIS Sabre Firebird
    • Ejecting in Free Flight no longer kills the player.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Resolved an issue where players & their ships would not die after ejecting in most game modes.
    • Resolved an issue where score was not awarded to attackers after a player ejected
    • Resolved an issue where no hangar would spawn on the frontend if the player had “Remember My Selection” for Game Modes and previously had an FPS mode selected.
    • Resolved an issue where Squadron Battle was automatically spawning players who connected to a match before the Game-Start Countdown concludes.
    • Resolved an issue where some rentals would fail to rent.
    • Resolved an issue where the player would lose access to the spawn screen when rejoining a match which they met previous conditions for on initial connection.

Bug Fixes and Technical Updates

  • 'Bug Fixes
    • Fixed missing physics grids from a number of interior locations across the PU (Will fix locations like UGF gravity)
    • Fixed an issue causing ships attempting to spawn on a docking collar to spawn inside the station geometry instead of attached to the dock
    • Fixed an issue causing HAB doors to be locked with a red line
    • Fixed a permanent incapacitated audio loop after respawning
    • Fixed an issue causing players to sometimes get immediately kicked off terminal interfaces after interacting
    • Hull-A should now have atmosphere in its Cabin
    • Fixed a duplicate hangar platform appearing on floor 1 of the 890j
    • Fixed an issue causing the Cutlass Blue to spawn without fuel tanks
    • Fixed several holes in the ground around Bloodshot Ridge
    • Fixed misaligned collision on the Tumbril Storm gun turret
    • The Tumbril Cyclone MT missile racks should now function
    • Fixed an issue causing quantum travel to immediately stop after starting
    • Fixed the incorrect HUD on the Corsair side turret
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes the ship will fly off the Vehicle RTT on both casts and MFDs
    • Fixed an issue causing Station Defense turrets to not respond to aggression in armistice
    • Fixed an issue causing AI to move erratically and crash into planet surfaces
    • Fixed an issue causing the Carrack medical screen to open inventory instead of the medical information
    • Fixed an issue causing AI turrets to not be targetable
    • Fixed an issue causing the Freelancer series to have invulnerable spots causing it to not take damage
    • Fixed Origin 400i Elevator Panel buttons disappearing on upper floor
    • Fixed Origin 400i Visarea issues around component bays and cargo bay door
    • Fixed an issue causing the Origin 600i interior to not render properly through doors
    • Fixed an issue causing ship full power weapon assignment taking additional power away from other systems
    • Detached Mining Pods should no longer improperly collide with vehicles and prevent players from loading them into other ships
    • The water on Clio should no longer have a striping effect when flying nearby with Vulkan enabled
    • Vehicle components and interactables should no longer remain static when the vehicle is destroyed
    • Animating vehicle weapons should no longer be powered on and in their 'deployed' state when spawned from an ASOP terminal
    • Fixed an issue causing the LH86 Pistol to not have a muzzle flash
    • Fixed multiple visual artifacts on planet surfaces when arriving at points of interest
    • The Aegis Sabre should no longer have pixelated reflection textures on the cockpit canopy glass
    • Fixed Banu Defender co-pilot now having radar control
    • Fixed Shipping & Delivery Kiosk(Covalex)'s screen being stuck on "Please Standby" after pressing "Pickup"
    • Multitool should no longer get stuck on tractor beam mode / first attachment used when using other attachments
    • Fixed an issue causing mounted turrets around various locations to not fire
    • Sabre Raven's weapon rack should no longer spawn outside of the ship when equipped with a Livery
    • Fixed the Aegis Eclipse radar incorrectly elevated above intended position
  • Technical Updates
    • Fixed 6 Client Crashes
    • Fixed 12 Server Crashes
    • Fixed 3 Server Deadlocks
    • Fixed 1 Hybrid Crash
    • Made Several Audio Performance Optimizations
    • Made Several Out Of Memory Server Improvements


  1. Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.3 - Release notes. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2024-10-20