Ail'ka Belt Alpha

在Ail'ka的Asteroid Belt

Huichuai'yath: Ail'ka Belt Alpha
类型Asteroid Formation
分类Asteroid Belt
位置Orbits Ail'ka (star)

Ail'ka Belt Alpha, known to the Xi'an as huichuai'yath ( 希安; Xi'an: huichuai2yath (Proper); viĵvai'yad (Service); 字面意义: First Asteroid Set (abbrv.); ) is an asteroid belt located between Xyeping and K'ya.k'uing. It is not uncommon for 希安 pilots trained in the fighter academies on nearby Ail'ka IV to cut their teeth here, engaging in extensive war-games among the swarm of orbiting asteroids. It is rumored that only one in a hundred Xi'an are able to make it through the rigorous exercise to become a full military pilot. 奥波亚 also uses this field to conduct many of their test flights, utilizing the erratic spin of the asteroids here as a proving ground for their ship's agility.[1]

It is more fully known to the Xi'an as huichuaihyao y.ath'o se Ail'ka ( 希安; Xi'an: huichuaihyao 1#o se 9ail2ka (Proper); viĵvaiyao'o ze Ail'ga (Service); 字面意义: First asteroid set of Ail'ka; ).



  1. Galactic Guide: Ail'ka. 通讯链接

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