
Sentient alien race renowned for commerce
Banu - Essosouli Lin Sool.png
Kingdom 智慧生物
Sentient? 有意识
Capital 巴克斯 II (人类假定)
Language 巴努语
Religion 多信仰
Government 巴努保护国 (共和制,次要控制权)
Souli (商会,主要控制权)
Ruler 多个商会领导
Currency Unknown
Territories 7 已知星系
Habitat 温带气候
Status 繁荣
Discovered In 公元2438年; 516年 前 (2438)
Discovered By 维纶·塔尔

Banu ( Banu: ubanu(uBanu); )是一种有意识的、两足行走的物种。以商业社会为根本,并与所有已知的太空文明保持着和平贸易关系。Banu Protectorate是由行星国家组成的共和国,与UEE建立了牢固的关系,主要基于经济贸易和文化交流


巴努是人类第一次遇到的有智慧的物种。由一名名叫维纶·塔尔的导航跳跃员偶然发现了一艘未知船只。塔尔误以为巴努的飞船是竞争对手的探险者,于是擅自进行了攻击。这一行动几乎引发了两个物种之间的战争,所幸塔尔的射击并未造成任何实质性的损伤。在意识到自己正在面对一艘全新的外星飞船之后,塔尔将自己的坐标传达给了United Nations of Earth。由尼尔·索科洛维奇将军领导的代表团立即被派往该星系,以消除任何外交威胁并开展沟通。[1] 后来发现,该巴努飞行员是因为擅自挪用资金而被当地官员通缉。两个文明聚在一起并签署了第一份Interstellar Peace & Trade Accord,他们开始交换信息和技术,相互帮助在宇宙中扩展。而在巴努的势力蔓延开来后,他们组建了Banu Protectorate,以监管所有的星系。



巴努是一种擅长太空旅行的物种。他们在技术上非常先进,能够对行星进行地化改造并通过跳跃点量子航行进行穿越。巴努的寿命显著短于人类的寿命,[2] 尽管如此,他们的躯体更具韧性,可以在极其恶劣的条件下生存和延续。[3]







File:Gift For Baba 3.jpg
A Banu serving Sloma


关于巴努的历史人类了解甚少;他们的文化注重当下,因此他们认为保留历史或记录资料没有太大意义。不过,对于实用的知识,比如技术、贸易路线和文件记录将会被保存。对于没有货币或实用价值的信息,比如星系发现的日期,他们往往会遗忘掉。[6] 但这并不意味着历史上的罪人会被遗忘:只要犯罪分子被列入“通缉名单”或受雇承包商进行追猎,他们就会被长期追踪定位。[7]


巴努的起源对UEE来说是未知的,甚至对巴努自己来说也很可能如此。他们居住在几个星系和其中的行星上,然而,没有一个星系拥有被发现或殖民的确切日期,因为他们认为这样的信息并不重要。许多UEE的人推测巴努的原始星球可能是巴克斯II,然而巴努无法证实或否认这个理论,因为他们不倾向于保留记录。[8] 实际上,当被问及这个问题时,许多巴努个体只会简单地回答他们的种族家园就是自己的家,或者如果他们是在宇宙飞船上出生的,就是那艘飞船的名字。[2]


其中一些星系是在2439年“Interstellar Peace & Trade Accord”签署后不久“发现”的。巴努向UNE透露了几个巴努控制的星系的位置,据推测是为了促进贸易。[9]

名称 描述
巴克斯 这是一个有三颗行星的双星系统。巴克斯II是许多UEE官员认为是巴努原始星球的行星。这个假设是基于已知信息的影响下做出的,根据这些信息,巴努会在行星表面定期举行一次整个物种的聚会并做出重要决策。
格登 包含一个恒星,以及一颗独立的行星绕行。
格登 一个重要的贸易中心,由6颗行星组成,被许多人和外星物种访问
Yulin Popular system visited by tourists as a "vacation resort"

Political system

The Banu Protectorate is a republic of Planet-States, each run under its own political system. The leaders (or selected representatives) of each planet will gather for a quorum to discuss/debate legal and trade issues that affect the entire species. Otherwise, each is left to their own devices to succeed or fail.

Diplomatic status

Humans: friendly.

Xi'an: friendly.

Vanduul: precarious but friendly. This breaks down on a planet-by-planet basis, but generally, the desire for money and trade outweighs loyalties and grudges.


There are multiple deities, out of which Cassa (the Patron of Luck) and Taernin (the Great Traveler) are the most common.

The Protectorate's spiritual center is located in the Trise System. While the Gatherings on Bacchus II handle the legal and political matters, "The Council" is responsible for the social and moral dictums that define and direct Banu society.

Their calling requires pure objectivity when dealing with their race, so they are separated from the rest of their people as much as possible.

There are no great Banu pilgrimages, so worshipers flocking to a system is not to be expected. Separation of the Council from the rest of society is mandated by the law.

As stated above, Banu don't produce works of art unless it has a practical reason for it. However, there is one exception, their monk equivalents produce elaborate copper-based artwork which has a certain kitsch value. Another product of their religion is a variety of medicines, concocted by their healers, which have been shown to have a positive effect on Human diseases.


The Banu don't have a dedicated standing army of any sort. At peaceful times the Banu Militia keeps the (relative) tranquility on a day-to-day basis within their systems. This militia operates on a rotational basis, drawing volunteers (even some criminals) from the various Banu-inhabited planets to keep an eye on things in space. To call their approach to law enforcement 'fast and loose' is an understatement. However, when in conflict or near it, the Banu can quickly pull together a formidable military force not to be reckoned with.


Suffice it to say, there is a lot of crime in the Banu Protectorate. The woeful lack of communication between the various planet-states means that criminals can simply hop from world to world when their current one becomes too dangerous. Since the UEE (even the Advocacy) is forbidden to pursue criminals over the borders, the Banu Protectorate is a haven for UEE criminals. And if an attempt is made to reclaim fugitives through official channels, it will be rarely met with agreement followed by the extradition of the wanted fugitives.

That hasn't stopped some of the more creative thinkers within the Advocacy from deploying Agents undercover, tracking and abducting fugitives, then smuggling them back into UEE space.

See also


Banu - Essosouli Lin Sool.png
Banu - Various role concepts.jpg
Star Citizen races - Height silhouette.png
Banu tease 2 comp.jpg
Banu tease 5comp.jpg


  1. Alien Week 2950. 通讯链接. Retrieved 2020-06-13
  2. 2.0 2.1 Loremaker's Guide - Bacchus System
  3. Youtube: Star Citizen Live: Alien Week Roundtable (June 2020), acc. 2020-06-13
  4. Instagram: 2951 Alien Week fact #2 Accessed 2021-08-12
  5. ARK Galactapedia: Banu. 银河百科. Retrieved 2023-04-05
  6. Star Citizen Live: Alien Week Roundtable (June 2020), acc. 2020-06-13
  7. Star Citizen Live: Alien Week Roundtable (June 2020), acc. 2020-06-13
  8. Loremaker's Guide - Bacchus System (Bacchus II segment)
  9. Loremaker's Guide - Bacchus System (Overview section)
